Pamper yourself with savings on items or activities for your family with the codes available below.
Howard Johnson Anaheim
Planning to visit Disneyland in California with your family? This hotel is within walking distance of the theme park which is perfect for your stay. Equipped with an outdoor waterpark to cool yourself down on a hot summer day. Use the link below or enter coupon code 1000022077 to save up to 25%.
Hojo Anaheim
Chirp, Chickadee and Owl Kids Magazine
Give your kids the gift of education and fun with the Chirp, Chickadee or Owl magazine. They have a lot of educational content and fun stories and activities that will keep your kids entertained while learning useful stuff for their life. Get a $10 discount on their yearly subscription with the link below
$10 off Chirp, Chickadee and Owl Kids Magazine
Teach your kids useful activities like swimming and biking from the leader of the children’s programs. Use my code to get $50 off their tuition fee.
Code: ANGIE50
Get 20% off when you use my code to shop at
Code: ANGIE20
Get 10% off when you use my code to shop at TheNameStamp Cute stamps to label your kid’s properties so they don’t get their item mixed up with their friends!